April 2024

Weekly Vespers at Sacred Heart Cathedral on Sundays at 4:45 PM. (Link to document)

EMHC (Eucharistic Ministers of Of Holy Communion) or EOM (Extraordinar Minister)
Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion share the Body and Blood of Christ with the parish at Mass. Catholics who have received the sacrament of Confirmation are invited and encouraged to join this ministry.

Lectors tell the story of God’s saving action on behalf of his people. They break open the Word of God and share the good news of God’s love. Adults and confirmed teens may participate in this ministry.

Altar Servers assist the priest at the Mass and must have received their First Communion. Your are never to old to reach out and help! .

If you are interested in training for any of these ministries please contact Mary Pat at <mboger@cbna.org>. This training is held at Sacred Heart Cathedral.

Cathedral Staffing Update:
Ben Colwell, the former Director of the Office of Faith and Family Formation, has re-joined our staff temporarily (and remotely!) to guide us through the next phase of the Synod on Synodality. We are delighted he can continue the work with the Synod that he started while here in the Diocese. You can reach him at bcolwell@cbna.org.

Sacred Heart Club Reading Group meets downstairs in the Community Room at 12:30 on the first Monday. Anyone is welcome to read and participate in these monthly gatherings. Contact Janet Fortune for more information.
May: Padre Pio and America by Frank M. Rega c. 2008
June:Encounters With the Angels: The Invisible Companions of our Spiritual Life by Odile Haumonte c. 2021 (End of the year potluck).
July/August:The Living Wood: A Novel of Saint Helena and the Emperor Constantine by Louis de Wohl c. 1947

The local Franciscan community meets the first Thursday of each month at St. Raphael Catholic Church at 6:30 PM until 8:00 PM. There is an option to join on ZOOM as well. There are snacks and fellowship at the start of the gathering. The meeting is open to anyone interested in the Franciscan calling. This group is in formation to become professed Secular Franciscans. The first group will profess this coming Spring. For information please contact Gloria Slagle stclare4@gmail.com .

Religious Education Classes at Sacred Heart Cathedral on Saturday afternoon.
1:00 PM — ORATORY (click to know more about it)
2:15 PM — Good afternoon talk by priest or sister.
2:30 PM — Snack
2:45 PM — Oratory Ends
3:00 PM — Catechism Class
4:15 PM — Parents pick children up to either take them to the vigil Mass or return home.

A new sign-up sheet at the entrance of the church for participating at Mass. We need lectors (readers), help in passing the basket for collection at Mass (2-4), at least 3 people (or a family) bringing up the gifts to the priest, and counting the collection after Mass. Please pray about this and join as an active participant in reading, singing, and helping out at Mass. Contributing something of yourself to Parish ministry is valuable and brings you closer to our Lord!



Our parish has access to a great online resource, FORMED. This site gives parishioners the opportunity to watch quality Catholic full-length movies, lead small group faith formation and Scripture study in their home, download books and listen to CD’s on our faith all in one location!

(1) Log onto: formed.org/signup
(2) Type in Fairbanks and select Sacred Heart Cathedral
(3) Click Next, then fill in your name and email address.
(4) Start accessing content!