April 2024

“Grant, O merciful God, that I may ardently desire, prudently examine, truthfully acknowledge, and perfectly accomplish what is pleasing to You, for the praise and glory of Your Name. Amen.
~ St. Thomas Aquinas – patron of students.


UAF Catholic Student Association last 7 PM Mass & Meeting of the semester will be held April 24th with Bishop Steve Maekawa, O.P. in Upper Lola Tilly Commons. This gives students the opportunity to visit with and ask questions you may have before the end of the school year.

Join like minded individuals who are here to support you while attending UAF. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Bring a friend!

Diocesan priests will be gathering for Priest Days from Apr 30-May 3. There will be no CSA Mass this week. If you would like to attend the 5:30 PM Healing Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral on April 30th (Tue), contact Mary Pat at stmark@cbna.org.

Sunday April 21

Please contact uaf-catholic-club@alaska.edu  or  Fr. Ross Tozzi if you have questions.

Interested in studying to receive sacraments while at college?  Contact Fr. Ross Tozzi for more information.


St. Mark Parish provides rides to Sunday 5:30pm Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral. Please contact Mary Pat Boger at 907-374-9564 before noon Sunday or let Devan Larson know at the weekly Thursday meeting so we can put you on the ride list.