April 2024

2023 Tax Information:  If you have questions please contact our office at 907-374-9564 or email: stmark@cbna.org.

Flocknote messaging is now being used to send out messages. You may receive it by email or text. We hope this will clear up some problems and make communication from our parish and the diocese up to date.There have been some human error this month, but hopefully, I will have everything working smoothly in March. Thank you for your patience.

Letter of Thanks to all who contributed gifts of time, talent and treasure to the St. Mark and Catholic Student Association (CSA) faith community this past year. To our sacristan, musicians, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, lectors, altar servers, gift bearers, offertory counters, bookkeeper, and those providing rides to UAF students to mass on Sunday.

On behalf of St. Mark, I would like to thank our priests – Fr. Ross Tozzi and Fr. Piotr Oprych, – and Deacon Warren Lucero, for their tireless work and commitment in serving our parish providing spiritual direction. Continue to support them through your prayers, kindness, and generosity. Seeing us at mass or seeking out confession is a gift in itself.

May all our parishioners and friends of the parish have a happy new year in which your relationship with Jesus Christ grows stronger! May God watch over you and bless you abundantly!

May you and your family have a Blessed New Year
~ Mary Pat Boger
Parish Administrator


( Tripetto Place Holder )

Here is a Word Copy and a PDF copy of the Parish Registration form that you can down load and fill out then return at the Sunday 5:30 pm Mass.

   Parish Registration
Download 18.4 KB
Download 55 KB
   Parish Meetings

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