April 2024

Please keep all our priests, sisters, and deacons in your prayers and continue to pray for vocations to the Diocese of Fairbanks.




EMHC (Eucharistic Ministers of Of Holy Communion) or EOM (Extraordinar Minister)
Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion share the Body and Blood of Christ with the parish at Mass. Catholics who have received the sacrament of Confirmation are invited and encouraged to join this ministry.

Lectors tell the story of God’s saving action on behalf of his people. They break open the Word of God and share the good news of God’s love. Adults and confirmed teens may participate in this ministry.

Altar Servers assist the priest at the Mass and must have received their First Communion. Your are never to old to reach out and help! .

If you are interested in training for any of these ministries please contact Mary Pat at <mboger@cbna.org>. This training is held at Sacred Heart Cathedral.